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"When the Almond Tree Blossoms" - Ecclesiastes 12:5

Comforting Hands



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Tell the story on aging to all who will hear

Speakers Bureau, Web Blog, One on One

Supporting families in churches

Assessments, when should my parents move? Help with placements with independent senior care, assisted living.

Supporting churches with

Developing curriculum and Church Care Groups – “ABC Groups”

(Almond Blossom Care)

Raising funds for seniors
in need

Funds used in support goes
directly to support Seniors in Need. Web Site applications.

Four Pronged Approach

Family care assessments & transitional support options

Support and help answer the question "where does my loved on need to be?"

senior care education programs

Churches, Non Profits, Community Centers, Recreations Centers, Sunday School Classes.

Local Network

Preferred Provider lists for healthcare services and senior living.

senior Financial support options

Seniors apply for Financial Support

Coffee Talks

Coffee Talks Almond Point can present to small groups.


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Do you need a ride to an appointment or errand? Can you give a ride to someone else in need? Please sign up using this form and we will get you connected with someone who can take you!

Transport Troops
Sign Up Form

Do You Need A Ride?

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Can You Give A Ride?

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We’ll get back to you shortly.

We would love to collect your visit. We want to honor everyone who is out caring a d serving one another! We won't publicly disclose any names. We will report the total number of visits and the types of visits!

Visitation Club
Let's Capture a Visit

Visit Completed here's the update 
Length of Visit
Visit Type

We will not share any names publicly in any format. We will just share total number of visits and the type. Thanks for sharing and participating, God Bless.

Thanks for submitting!
We’ll get back to you shortly.

How To Get


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Phone: 575-650-5412

Mailing Address: 4905 Tobosa Rd. 

Las Cruces, NM 88011

Crosstown and Almond Point are 501c3 non profit organizations.
All donations ARE tax deductible.

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