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What We Do


Christian Community


Jesus has defeated both sin and death–hallelujah! He is now making all things new, both spiritual and physical. While he is away from earth, he has given this work over to The Church. Crosstown provides tools for churches to get to know themselves and their neighborhoods better, propelling each church into wisely designed, heartful service.


Church Leader


A healthy Church will be, among other things, a great servant to Her city. Therefore, Crosstown offers opportunities for individual pastoral involvement as well as group learning. We host gatherings that include opportunities in Prison Ministry, Discussions on Justice, Mercy, and how to recognize assets for utilization in the community.




Organize and encourage the nearly  200 congregations and parishes of Las Cruces and Dona Ana County into a force of love. We are a great under-utilized asset in this community. Together, we have the resources that could renew many lives and change our neighborhoods.

Our heart and soul is to help our community; to care for the fatherless and the family, give a hand up to the single parent, share life with the incarcerated, and show hospitality to the stranger in our community. This is the heart of Jesus in his people.

Our Mission

CrossTown Prison Ministries

ReEntry for returning citizens tranformal homes for returning men, where they are welcomed with respect and acceptance.


Life focused programming for the formally incarcerated which includes courses in the message in the emotions, faith at work in life skills, how to say what you mean without being mean and transitional Bible Study. All looking through the lens of the Christian Life as the way of new thinking.


CrossTown Neighbors

A relational evening of building new friendships of acceptance and respect, for the whole family. A meal together, a time of fun and life together.


Engaging programs for every age and experience.


Now meeting Monday nights @ 5:30pm at Loma Heights Elementary School.

CrossTown Connections

Building bridges between Churches, Organizations, Non-profits, City & County Organizations.


Creating models of ministry and joint participation in service to the whole community.


Bringing materials, ideas and leadership to the whole church of Christ.


We Need Your Support Today!


Phone: 575-650-5412

Mailing Address: 4905 Tobosa Rd. 

Las Cruces, NM 88011

Crosstown and Almond Point are 501c3 non profit organizations.
All donations ARE tax deductible.

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